Technical Specifications

  • A> 451
  • B> 385
  • C> 160
  • D> 96
  • E> 875
  • F> 230
  • G> 230
  • H> 344
  • I> 474
  • J> 411
  • K> 342
  • L> 123
  • M> 107
  • N> 1085
  • O> 875
  • P> 900
  • Q> 353
  • R> 460
  • S> 240
  • T> 220
  • U> 77
  • V> 35



This accessory is only available for each model's standard version. Located in the middle of the litter bin lid, it allows butts to be put out and discarded inside.

Electronic chip

Electronic chip

Space available for hosted chips. Product identification and tracking is enabled.

Plastic bag dispenser for dog excrement

Plastic bag dispenser for dog excrement

Located n the side of the litter bin. Carcass made of PEHD with an identifying icon. Able to hold 50 bags . Usable size: 65x60 mm.

Open OMEGA 50 L Litter Bin

Open OMEGA 50 L Litter Bin

Upon request, the OMEGA 50 L litter bin may be manufactured without a top lid.

OMEGA 50 L Litter Bin Island

OMEGA 50 L Litter Bin Island

The OMEGA 50 L litter bin island enables the user to separate the waste at source. The island makes it easy to collect the waste selectively. The island can be composed of 2, 3 or 4 litter bins.