CONTENUR participates in informative days in Bali

CONTENUR participates in informative days in Bali

CONTENUR attended the informative conferences organised by the distributer PT. Groen, on the Indonesian island of Bali, 26-28 July 2018. This conference was attended by representatives of the urban solid waste management and cleaning departments of 73 Indonesian municipalities, amongst which were the main cities of the country, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan and Denpasar.

The meeting consisted of two different parts: the first, during which CONTENUR exhibited its experience from the year it was founded until now, as well as a proposal of solutions especially indicated for the Indonesian market, with cities subject to a great number of particularities; and a second day during which it gave an on-site demonstration of its products, specifically the range of CONTENUR rear-loading containers.

The response from the Indonesian municipalities was very positive, showing a great interest in CONTENUR products and asking numerous questions about what type of equipment would be the most suitable for each specific case. This is another step in the internationalisation of CONTENUR,which already has an office in Singapore from where it serves its customers in the Asia Pacific region.